Egypt`s former King talks about his homeland

By Henri Estramant, Diplomat Magazine’s Diplomatic Adviser in Brussels.  Baron Estramant, has interviewed the former King of Egypt about the ongoing unstable situation in his homeland. King Fuad II, was a child monarch from 26 July 1952 to 18 June 1953 when Egypt was proclaimed a republic. He was only six months old when his father King Farouk abdicated to appease revolutionary, anti-monarchist forces in Egypt. He was the last “monarch” of the Mohammed Ali Dynasty that had ruled Egypt since 1805. You were nominally the 12th monarch of the Mohammed Ali Dynasty, and 3rd “King of Egypt and Sudan” for a brief period between 26 July 1952 and 18 June 1953. Albeit you did not grow up in Egypt you see yourself as an Egyptian and a man with a “duty” towards Egypt. How responsible do you feel for your country, and how can you achieve anything from your exile in Switzerland? I have always felt that I have a “duty” towards Egypt. There was a period when it would had been unwise for me to undertake anything concerning Egypt. Times have changed and hopefully are going to get better. Opportunities may arise in the future where I could promote Egypt in one way or another from wherever I live. You were merely 6 months old when you became the constitutional yet nominal “King of Egypt”, since then you have lived in exile mostly in Monaco, France, Morocco and Switzerland. What is your current status? Are you allowed to visit Egypt? Do you travel with an Egyptian passport? When were you there last? Are you now in a self-imposed exile? I am an Egyptian Citizen. I can go to Egypt whenever I wish and I was last there four years ago.  As I could go and live there at any time I chose, the term self-imposed exile, which was true a few years ago, is inappropriate today. Call it a diplomatic decision. There is a bit of revival, perhaps mostly nostalgic for royalty around the world once an oppressive regime falls. We experienced it in Afghanistan where the former monarch even became “Father of the Nation”, in Libya the Prime Minister asked parliament to restore the honour of Al Senussi. In the Balkans the end of Communism brought a wave of interest for the members of their deposed royal houses, however, the royals heirs were long kept away from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, etc.  On the other hand, all the interest and media coverage has led to no political or cultural role for the heirs of deposed royal houses, with the exception of Cambodia in 1993 or the purely ceremonial role given to King Mohammed Zaher Shah of Afghanistan. Are you not missing out by staying away from Egypt? Could you not return to your country without being involved into its complicated politics? Egypt is coming out of a serious political turmoil. My presence there could had been misconstrued or misused even if I had kept myself totally out of politics. I have never wished to be a burden or an involuntary hindrance to the Egyptian Authorities. I do not have to live there to serve my country. You have stated in the past that you do not support any monarchist political parties or endorse any political movements. Would you rather see yourself as a cultural ambassador for your country? I would welcome the opportunity to serve Egypt as a cultural ambassador or in any other useful capacity. However, it must be well understood that I would undertake such a duty  only with the approval and cooperation of the Egyptian Government in power. The nostalgia for a monarchical system has been reverberating in Libya whereas in Egypt the monarchical past has not sparked the same enthusiasm, particularly not amongst the younger generation which makes up the bulk of the population.  Do you think it might have to do with the bad image spread during the last 60 years against your father King Farouk I? Some people might portray your dynasty as foreign because of its Albanian-Turkish roots? The bad image that was so falsely spread during the last 60 years against my father King Farouk has been greatly corrected over the last few years and another picture emerges today. A lot remains to be done. I am confident that historians and some are already at work, will restore the truth about my father’s reign and work as it was so badly distorted after his abdication. Politically you are not relevant, yet, one day you may be called upon in playing a role, even if ceremonial in contemporary Egypt. What are your visions? How do you think you can be useful to your country? What would be the ideal and realistic scenario for you? I think I have already answered that question. Future events are in the hands of Allah. Your eldest son and heir, HRH The Prince of the Sa’id (Upper Egypt), Mohammed Ali, wed last year a grand-daughter of Afghanistan’s last monarch, Princess Noal Zaher Khanum, in Istanbul. He was even born in Cairo unlike his siblings. Did you have to request a special permission for it back in 1979? How active is your eldest son in the Egyptian cause? How close does he follow the ongoing developments in Egypt? Yes, a special permission was given by the late President Sadat for my eldest son to be born in Egypt. Of course, he keeps himself fully aware of anything that has to do with Egypt. His involvement is however limited for the very simple reason that he has to work like any ordinary human being to earn his daily bread.
Henri Estramant, Diplomat Magazine’s Diplomatic Advisor. Photography by Henri Estramant.
How active are your other two children, Princess Fawzia and Prince Fakhr Eddin? Like her elder brother, Princess Fawzia works for her living. She did spend a few months in Egypt some four years ago and worked in a commercial office for a while. Prince Fakhr El Din is still studying. Are you/your family currently involved in any charities or humanitarian aid for the Egyptian people? Again, we have to be very careful as to any involvement my family may have in Egypt and ensure it is not misinterpreted. As far as any participation we may have in charities or humanitarian aid, it must remain within the realm of the private sphere of our lives. Have you considered dispatching one of your children or another junior member of the Royal House to Egypt to pave the way for your return, even if only as a private citizen? I am not a person who rejects help. However, in the event of any likely return to Egypt, I fail to see at present the necessity or need to dispatch a member of the Royal House to pave the way for me. As an Egyptian what changes would you like to see taking place in Egypt? Better social justice and standards of  living.  Better education and enhanced equality of opportunities for all. Finally but not least, peace and political stability for Egypt without which the former cannot be achieved.

In focus: Dr. Eugenio Matos

By Bonnie Klap, Editor in Chief. This month the Diplomat Magazine Netherlands celebrates its first year anniversary. From its  small and humble beginnings, operating  with just a handful of volunteers, this publication has transformed  into a thriving and well known Online-magazine (soon glossy printed magazine), boasting tens of thousands of readers every day and counting. Although the success of Diplomat Magazine can be attributed to the hard work and enthusiasm of its entire team of volunteers,  it is fair to say  that the invisible and driving force behind Diplomat Magazine is its Honorary Associate Publisher Dr. Eugenio Matos.  I would therefore like to take the opportunity  to elaborate on the varied skills and talents of this unique diplomat. Dr. Eugenio Matos, Minister Counselor of the Dominican Republic Embassy in The Hague and – in cooperation with  several Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to The Netherlands, is a volunteer co-founder of the Diplomat Magazine Netherlands. Recently he was also involved in the launch of Diplomat Club Wassenaar, a spin-off of the hugely successful monthly DMG , Diplomats Meet and Greet, of which Dr.Matos was also a driving force. It is evident  that he is a tireless supporter of the entire Diplomatic Community of The Hague and a great connector of people. Although highly  educated, he holds  a PhD in Civil law in the DR, a Bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Ottawa, Masters degree in Diplomacy and Public Administration in UK, and currently recipient of a Executive Master Degree scholarship from the Government of Taiwan,  Dr. Matos has never neglected his great musical talent as violinist. Eugenio Matos Gomez ambassadors The Hague From left on the picture, some of 20+ ambassadors who attended the concert  T.H. from Guatemala Jorge Alfredo Lemcke Arevalo, Kazakhstan Mainyura Saudabaeva, Tunisia Karim Ben Becher , El Salvador Vladimiro P. Villalta, Honduras Mauricio Ricardo Aguilar Robles, Israel Haim Divon, Ukraine Olexander Horin, Switzerland Markus Börlin together with Dutch Harpist Emilie Bastien and Dominican Republic violinist Eugenio Matos. Eugenio Matos started his advanced violin studies at age 13 at the National Conservatory of Music in Santo Domingo,  Dominican Republic, joining the National Symphony as one its youngest members only few years later. He officially represented his country overseas, such as Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil, USA and Canada amongst others. His unmistakable talent has earned him scholarships  from impressive music schools, such as the world famous Julliard School of Music in New York and in  Russia. During his diplomatic posting in Canada, Dr. Matos performed as guest violinist at embassies in Ottawa such as the US,  Spain, Mexico, Italy, Finland,  Peru the EU, to name a few. In 2003 he was invited by Maestro Carlos Piantini to join the Dominican Symphony Orchestra in New York as well as later on in Valladolid, Spain. He also had the honor to be invited by the Dominican Republic Embassy in Ottawa to perform as a violin soloist at the University of Ottawa in the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of  diplomatic relations between Canada and the Dominican Republic. In 2013 International Criminal Court’s President Song invited him to perform as guest violinist for this prestigious international organization. His most recent performance was at the magnificent Castle “The Wittenburg” in Wassenaar last May at the launch of the Diplomat Club Wassenaar. Hundreds of guests, distinguished Dutch and International personalities, a large number of Ambassadors and members of the press attended, while Dr. Matos performed renowned pieces of Dvorak, Don Julio Alberto Hernandez (Dominican Republic composer) and Schumann, together with two talented musicians from the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Although Dr. Matos is modest by nature, his tireless energy and relentless enthusiasm has  enabled  him to establish himself as a prominent and well known diplomat in The Hague. He is a tireless supporter of cultural diplomacy activity as well. Dr. Eugenio Matos is a true Renaissance man,  “A jack of many trades” as per Ottawa-based Canadian journalist Brian Adeba*.Eugenio Matos Gomez diplomat The Hague  
References: Embassy Magazine, Canada.
Telegraaf Netherlands. Diplomat Magazine Netherlands.

HccH, Special Commission meets in The Hague


The Hague, direct from Hague Conference on Private International Law.

A meeting of the Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the Service, Evidence and Access to Justice Conventions concluded today after four days of constructive discussions among some 130 experts representing 53 States and several international governmental and non-governmental organisations.

The agenda covered a range of issues relating to the three Conventions, which establish a worldwide regime to facilitate co-operation in international civil procedure. Experts considered draft new and revised editions of the Handbooks on the Service and Evidence Conventions, as well as measures to further improve cross-border judicial and administrative co-operation in civil and commercial matters, including the use of electronic means of communication. The meeting provided a unique forum for authorities of the various Contracting States to share concerns and experiences in relation to the interpretation and application of the Conventions. The Special Commission last met in February 2009 (see here). Since that time, the use of information technology in civil procedure has become more widespread, particularly with regard to e-service and the taking of evidence by video-link. Recalling that the use of information technology is consistent with the framework of the Service and Evidence Conventions and that it can facilitate their operation, experts unanimously recommended that an Experts’ Group be established to investigate issues that may arise with the use of technologies such as video links, and invited the Permanent Bureau to continue monitoring developments in the area of service by electronic means. Experts also agreed to a process for finalising a new edition of the Evidence Handbook and an updated edition of the Service Handbook, acknowledging their utility to users of the Conventions. It is expected that the Handbooks will be finalised in the near future, subject to their endorsement by the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Conference at its next meeting in April 2015. Conclusions and Recommendations of this meeting will be available < here > in the coming days. CONTACT        Micah Thorner Hague Conference on Private International Law Tel: +31 (0)70 363 3303 Fax: +31 (0)70 360 4867 E-mail: Website:

Diplomat Magazine 1st Anniversary at Carlton Ambassador

Head of Diplomatic missions, diplomats in general, their families and friends are invited to celebrate Diplomat Magazine’s 1st Anniversary in an informal relaxed way on Friday June 27th, from 5pm till 23h00. Staff from International Organizations are also welcomed to join us. Free admission, welcome drink and surprises. Diplomat Magazine, the first diplomatic magazine in the Netherlands by and for diplomats. Are you also aware of Diplomat Magazine’s  series of One Day excursions by luxurious coaches for diplomat families and friends?  Click here:  

How Ukraine can thwart Russia´s strategy

Ukraine can be saved, if it sets an inclusive strategy against the divisive strategy of Russia. By Barend ter Haar, fellow of Clingendael, Netherlands Institute of International Relations So far, only Russia seems to have a deliberate strategy: it wants to restore as much as it can of the Soviet empire, but step by step and at low costs. The first step is to draw successor states back in its sphere of influence. As authoritarian states such as Belarus have nowhere else to go to, this strategy is working quite well. Secondly, when a country threatens to leave Moscow´s orbit, Moscow will promote its disintegration to keep as many parts as possible in its sphere of influence. Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia illustrate this policy. Thirdly, full annexation can wait, until (almost) everybody is used to the idea and an opportunity arises to do so with little cost. Time is a crucial factor and time seems to be on Russia ´s side. It can wait until Ukraine falls apart (and secretly promote that). What can Ukraine do to thwart this strategy? Above all, the government should not play in Russia´s hands by forcing protestors into the pro-Russian camp. It threatens to do so when it lumps together under the heading of terrorists both protesters that occupy buildings and people that torture and kill. To prevent that East-Ukrainian protestors believe they have no other options than independence or joining Russia, the government should make clear that it recognizes the following:
  1. The great majority of protestors, both in Kiev and in the Eastern provinces are protesting for good reasons against years of corrupted governance.
  2. Most of the protestors in the East are partners for reform, not opponents.
  3. All perpetrators of terroristic actions, such as murder and torture, should be brought to justice, irrespective of their political views, including the perpetrators of the fire in Odessa.
  4. Many Ukrainians combine close linguistic, historical and economic links with Russia with support for Ukrainian independence.
  5. Ukraine’s system of government should be adapted to reflect the diversity of the country and to protect minorities.
  6. Ukraine needs close and good relations with both the European Union and Russia (even if relations with Russia have been gravely damaged by the occupation of the Crimea).
In short, to have a chance on success, the Ukrainian government needs the wisdom and the courage to fight polarization in order to win the hearts and minds of the population of the Eastern provinces.  

Ground Breaking Ceremony New US Embassy.

By Bonnie Klap, Editor in Chief. On May 28 the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new US Embassy took  place.  The new Embassy will be built in Wassenaar and is expected to be completed in 2017.  His Excellency Mr. Timothy M. Broas, Ambassador of the United States of America, impressed all attendees by welcoming his guests in fluent Dutch. Ambassador Broas also emphasized that – in his own words – ‘We have worked hard to preserve the character and beauty of the green zone in which we are located, to maintain the accessibility and mobility for all, and to minimize our carbon foorprint.” Honoring the very  first US- Ambassador to The Netherlands, the US Embassy’s address will be John Adams Park 1. Afterwards the actual groundbreaking  ceremony was performed by  Ambassador Broas, Mayor Jan Hoekema of Wassenaar, Mr. Philip Barth, Project Director of the new US Embassy Compound  and a representative of the construction company.

Jolly June in The Hague


By Jhr. mr. Alexander W. Beelaerts van Blokland, Justice (Judge) in the Court of Appeal and Special Advisor International Affairs of the Municipality of The Hague.

Before the summer holidays 2014 will start in July, The Hague offers all of us a lot of nice events in June. Too many to mention them all, but I will chose some you will prabably like. Those who know about Dutch history will know that Indonesia was a Dutch colony until after World War II, since when a lot of inhabitants of that hugue Asian country emigrated to The Netherlands, especially to The Hague. The expression ‘The Hague is the widow of the former Dutch East Indies’ was born then. At the moment the annual Tong Tong Festival is running at the Malieveld. Nice for those who want to ‘taste’ the previous three centuries of Dutch Asia that will never come back again. The world looks forward to the World Cup football (soccer) that will start in June in Brasil, but The Hague has at the moment its own World Cups: in field hockey, men and ladies. Participants are Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, England, Germany, India, Korea, Malaysia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain and the United States of America. Around Kyocera Stadium every night the culture, food, drinks etc. of  one of the the participating countries –daily changing -will have special attention. On Thursday June 12th the ‘new Dutch herring’ (a sea fish) will ‘arrive’ in Scheveningen, which will be celebrated then and the days after (Saturday June 14th: ‘Vlaggetjesdag’) everywhere in and around Scheveningen. The Dutch eat it raw and please try to do as the Dutch do: if not immediately, you probably will find it delicious as well after some time ! The King will come to The Hague in June twice: for the opening of the yearly Sculptures Exposition, this year called ‘Grandeur’ (French sculptors), in the Kloosterkerk church on Tuesday June 17th and for the Grand Opening of the renewed and enlarged Mauritshuis Museum –small but world famous – on Friday June 27th. And please don’t forget Festival Classique: many beautiful concerts in the open air in the centre, around –and even on ! – the Hofvijver, which is the pond next to the Binnenhof (parliament). Enjoy Jolly June in The Hague !    

Commercial diplomats: work adaption and work satisfaction

By Dr. Huub Ruël.  Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (Zwolle). Commercial diplomacy has become a priority in the foreign policies of many countries around the world. Embassies and consulates play an important role in effective commercial diplomacy. For this they need qualified staff. But how are commercial diplomats selected and trained for their work? For many young professionals, working as a diplomat can be very rewarding, and many diplomats love their work as they experience it as being relevant. Being a commercial diplomat usually means living in a foreign country, with family or partner, for a number of years. In addition to commercial and business skills, it requires skills and competences to adapt to new environments, legislation, cultures, lifestyles, and build networks. How do they perceive the nature of their work and living abroad? We[i] conducted a study on commercial diplomats’ work satisfaction and level of adaption by interviewing a group of commercial diplomats, and inviting them to fill out a questionnaire. The results showed that most commercial diplomats in our study were hired by the diplomatic service immediately after they finished their initial university degree program.  They were then trained to become a generalist, rather than a specialist in commercial diplomacy. Hardly any of the commercial diplomats in our study had private sector experience. For most of them, the nature of the work, lifestyle and career development opportunities were the motivating factors to apply for a position in the diplomatic service. Commercial diplomats in our study mentioned that they do not receive significant training during their stay at a foreign post. Specific training programs on marketing, commerce and finance were not provided in most cases. Regarding work satisfaction, female commercial diplomats appeared to be more satisfied with their work than their male colleagues, and commercial diplomats working in developed countries were more satisfied than ones working in emerging economies. Commercial diplomats seemed to be well adapted to living and working in their host countries. Our study showed that receiving cross-cultural training is positively related to both general adaption and work adaption. The duration of experience in current postings does contribute to general adaption, but not to work adaption. Our study suggests that general adaption and work adaption seem to have a positive influence on work satisfaction. The more commercial diplomats feel adapted to living abroad and to their work, the greater their work satisfaction. In conclusion, our study indicates that countries need to improve the preparation and training of their current and  future commercial diplomats. Training in business and commerce as well as cross-cultural training can improve the commercial diplomats’ adaption to living abroad and to their work. This in turn contributes to their overall work satisfaction. Since commercial diplomacy has become important for many countries, it is key to recruit, select and train professionals specifically to develop their commercial diplomacy competences. Training programs for young diplomats should contain modules on international business and trade and investment promotion, and additional programs should be offered during postings. The modern international business environment is complex and requires highly qualified diplomats.

[i] Together with Thomas Binnenmars MSc.

It is all about space

By Peter Knoope, Directeur ICCT. In recent weeks I traveled to two countries in sub-Sahara Africa. Both affected by terrorism. Both challenged with the question of how to strategically answer to the threat of violent extremism. One of them is Nigeria. I know the press recently has given lots of information on developments in that country. So let me focus on the other one: Kenya. The workshop we organised there focused on SC Resolution 1624. Now you may not know how  SCR 1624 reads. I do. The resolution addresses how to deal with and respond to, hatred, hate-speech, incitement, and incitement to violence. It basically deals with the question of how to respond to calling upon people to kill others. I don’t think anybody doubts whether the issue bears any relevance in Kenya. We all know that there is an array of reasons to discuss this issue under the present circumstances in that country. But there was much more than SC Resolution 1624 to discuss. Since the resolution tries to address part of a strategic approach to counter-terrorism (CT) worldwide. Since 2006 the UN has adopted a strategic approach to CT. It is laid down in a CT Strategy adopted in September 2006 and revised on a regular basis by member states. This is one of the most relevant documents in my field of work and I highly recommend it to anybody working in our field. In this document you will also find reference to factors conducive to violence and factors leading to radicalisation. And most importantly, you will find reference to the work and contribution of the Civil Society Organisations. In fact, the document links the two. Civil Society Organisations on the one hand and counter-radicalisation on the other. Allow me to go a little deeper into the issues at hand that all relate to this part of the UN Strategy. One can have different perspectives when it comes to terrorism and terrorist attacks. One way of looking at it is the terrorist attack as a message. If we do look at the messaging part of the terrorist attack then the question is relevant: what is the messenger trying to convey? What is the message? Isn’t terrorism a message of despair and anger? Isn’t it a message of frustration and conviction? Is the terrorist telling us he has lost all perspective? The loss of belief in human values? Isn’t terrorism a message of dehumanisation and cynicism? We should of course do everything possible to prevent such things from happening. My perspective then is that we, as a society, should prevent the anger, frustration, loss of perspective and hate at any price. Let’s make sure people do not lose sight of human values and start dehumanising others. Let us prevent people reaching that stage of dehumanisation and cynicism. I shared with the people in Kenya the recipe that we have developed at the ICCT, also based on the UN CT Strategy of 2006. This recipe is counter-intuitive. It is against our reflexes and initial natural responses set by nature. The secret lies in the way we look at the message. Because if we can suppress our reflex and if we can listen to the message, we could, on the basis of that, be able to engage and dialogue. We could maybe be empathetic. Engagement and empathy that could potentially even lead to trust-building. I immediately agree that it is counter-intuitive. That may even be too soft a term. Call me a dreamer, call me utopic. So be it. But what is the alternative? Isn’t the alternative more clashes, confrontations, body bags, victims, anger, frustrations, hence the spiral upwards? If the response to terrorism is hitting back, more violence, then the next stage is not less anger and frustration, but more. The spiral of violence will go up. It will not come down. And once the violent spiral is up, coming down is not easy. If we increase, they will increase, our answer is more violence, more revenge will be the result. We know for a fact that once the spiral has gone up, and both parties are high up, then coming down will take long and will require a long process of reconciliation and reconstruction -including trust-building. So our recipe is engagement and dialogue that may lead to understanding and less anger and frustration. To be able to do this, a “space” is needed in which this can take place. Our meeting in Kenya was the starting point of a dialogue. ICCT was offering a space in Nairobi. A space to be filled with dialogue and trust-building. The space was there, and the participants made good use of it. They had the key in their hands to reduce hate, anger and hate speech. Some of them vocalised the perspective of the government and the state. They looked at the issues from a state security perspective. That is important, but not the only perspective of relevance. Because some others looked at the issues from a peoples’ perspective. They vocalised the human security side. They were sometimes surprised to learn the differences and that both perspectives have value. Both are necessary. The point is that the two perspectives are different. They took the time and used the space to listen and gain understanding of the other perspective. That is not immediately going to solve all the problems in Kenya, but it allows for a next phase in a process of engagement between different positions. After not more than just a couple of days, participants walked away with concrete commitments to ensure future activities; based on their earlier activities and priorities but with more depth and commitment through the exchange of positions. This space served as a starting point. It required wisdom and resilience to critical voices. It required openness and constructive engagement. But it worked and led to concrete outcomes and plans for future work in the field of education, de-radicalisation and reintegration of formers back into society. Nobody wants the spiral to go up. That is what united the participants gathered. Although positions and perspectives may be different, they all wanted the same thing. Nobody wants hate-speech to be a dominant feature of our societies. Nobody wants to increase frustrations and anger. But to reduce all that, we need to be ready to listen. And we should be ready to look beyond the violent message. The message of the terrorist. From 25 – 29 August this year the ICCT organises a summer programme on related issues. If you or any of your government or civil society representatives want to be part of the space that we offer there to discuss CT issues, you are more than welcome. It is called “Countering Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World: Legal Challenges and Dilemmas” and is jointly organized with the T.M.C. Asser Institute. Topics in the program begin with basic dilemmas that CT practitioners face: What is the accepted international definition of terrorism, or how do various national definitions differ? Such questions then lead on to more practical matters: Should practitioners follow a war paradigm, or should existing (inter)national law enforcement structures be used? How should evidence be gathered to prosecute terrorists, particularly, if on a battlefield? Or can intelligence information and other sources be used and protected while still respecting the rights of the accused? Further issues like the use of drones or the use and effectiveness of mass surveillance will be addressed.  If you are interested know that we welcome you and that more information is on our ICCT’s website.    

Cooking with Mr. Raju Bhatang, owner of India Palace Scheveningen

By John Dunkelgrün. From the very first time I tasted Indian food, I fell in love with it. This was in Brighton in the 1950’s when you could get a decent biryani for 10/6 or just over half a pound. This may have had something to do with the food quality of my boarding school there. I have enjoyed and even cooked curries with gusto ever since. It was a special surprise therefore that I heard of Mr. Bhatangs cooking lessons. They are given at the Ghandi Centre, which occupies a former church in the older part of Scheveningen. When I got there, a group of about 30 people were having a Yoga lesson, loudly humming in unity. The cooking demonstration was in the centre’s canteen, which is not an ideal location. Bhatang in actionThere were only 18 people and you had to strain to see Mr. Bhatang’s preparations. He began with a stern lecture on how to keep your kitchen hygienic (Don’t cut meat on scratched boards or touch food or even the lids of your pots with the same cloth you use to wipe the worktop!), while he started the enormous rice pot. This he cooked this with several spices in the cooking water. He then stressed the use of fresh herbs whenever possible and, in any case, freshly ground herbs, especially the garam marsala, which he called the very basis of all good curries. He promised that anyone visiting his restaurant could obtain several of his recipes.Spices The 18 “students”, all but two women and – surprisingly – with only two caucasians of which your correspondent was one, were happy with the tasty chicken curry and with his waterfall of useful cooking tips. Definitely worth going to if he gives another course.