New Global Media Analysis available to diplomats
By Mr Leo van der Velde.
With effect from January 1 Ambassadors and Consuls can order newspaper articles – also in translation – from the new Hague company Global Media Analysis Services.
The Hague – With just over a weekend to go we will be poised on the brink of the New Year. And on the verge still a scoop to report from the diplomatic circuit. Peter Gobets will launch the diplomatic bureau Global Media Analysis Services (GMAS) in The Hague on January 1st, to provide foreign Embassies and Consulates relevant news from the host country.
Gobets does not only have ample experience in The Hague’s international community as press officer but also has numerous media contacts. “That is useful,” he admits, “but what is especially important is that I know precisely what the requirements are of an Ambassador and his or her staff. They want to read what is being written or said about their country.”
Peter Gobets also indicates that diplomats furthermore also want advice on the publicity that they themselves seek for their country or on a specific issue. “Any mention of their home country in the Dutch Parliament, such as questions posed by parliamentarians, also on websites, can be tracked and reported to the mission. The same applies to Dutch MEPs and the proceedings in the European Parliament.”
The managing director of GMAS knows like no other that many new diplomats are well-briefed on bilateral issues of importance to both countries. And also that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs first and foremost, but also and especially a city like The Hague offers all assistance and advice required.
But we offer just that extra media advice and our website will soon be expanded to include a Diplomatic Desk. Eventually we aim towards the world’s first ‘Virtual Diplomatic Community’, rather unique, to tackle questions / assignments. And last but not least the greater good is served in this modest way by bringing together all those countries.
Diplomats Meet Greet, hosted by Colombia.
By Bonnie Klap —
His Excellency Mr. Eduardo Pizarro Leongómez, Ambassador of Colombia, hosted this month’s Diplomats Meet and Greet in the Carlton Ambassador Hotel. Despite the chilly Dutch weather outside, this gathering had a vibrant, South-American atmosphere. A touch of Colombia could also be sampled, as the Colombian Cocktail “Güipa,” was generously offered to every guest. Güipa is a tasty cocktail made of Aguardiente, Lulo juice, ginger, mint and anis syrup. The monthly Meet and Greet once again proved a great success for the diplomats to mingle and catch up in an informal setting.
Novel Mexican Technique Cancer Treatment
Directly from the Embassy of Mexico in The Hague.
The National Rehabilitation Institute in Mexico made public a successful technique to treat bone cancer as well as the development of a treatment called “Water Controlled Hyperthermia” (abbreviated to HHC in Spanish), which kills cancer cells with heat.
For the last 20 years, the National Rehabilitation Institute has been developing the “Mexican Line of Prosthesis for Tumor Reconstruction”. This Line has had positive results in patients that were about to lose a limb and it has also had a low cost. This was claimed by the Head of the Bone Tumor Service of the Institute, Doctor Genaro Rico Martinez.
He said that more than 200 people with hip problems, 40 people with humerus problems and several people with knee, elbow and hand problems have received the benefits of the mentioned treatments. This is one of the reasons why the National Rehabilitation Institute is regarded as one of the best institutions in the world specializing in orthopedic oncology.
Doctor Rico Martinez highlighted that people coming from other countries such as Cuba have also been treated at the Institute. Several experiences have been shared with Brazil, Guatemala and Colombia, where research development and technological innovation in the treatment of patients with bone cancer is recognized.
In a press conference, Doctor Rico Martinez showed different successful stories in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients coming from different parts of Mexico. He showed an implant of a massive prosthesis of femur, one of shoulder, one of hip and one of knee. These prostheses gave the patients their mobility back to normal levels.
These implants were developed in Mexico and provide the body with stability so that the patient is allowed to preserve the damaged limb, since most of the people affected by bone cancer are very likely to have an amputation, said the Doctor.
He emphasized that the relevance of this technique is quite high because it reintegrates sick teenagers and adults to their normal lives. These are the population sectors in which most of the cases of bone tumors are presented.
Doctor Miguel Linares, specialist of the National Rehabilitation Institute, talked about the characteristics of the prostheses and mentioned that this Mexican innovation leaves surgical steel behind and only uses titanium, which is widely known for its lightness. In this way, the Mexican implants form part of the best implants in the world. Doctor Linares said that this effort constitutes 23 years of continuous work in the subspecialty of orthopedic oncology.
Regarding “Water Controlled Hyperthermia”, Doctor Rico Martinez said that it is a procedure that consists in exposing the sick bone to heat-based treatments at 42°C, which kills cancer cells.
We understood that there were patients that needed a more limited and conservative surgical treatment in order to preserve the most of the bone segments. This is how the principle of Water Controlled Hyperthermia was born, said Doctor Rico.
He explained that this principle consists in applying heat to the affected zone through water vapor or by sinking the whole affected body in water at 50°C. “Today, heat constitutes the fourth pillar of cancer treatment together with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy”, he concluded.
The National Rehabilitation Institute forms part of the structure of the Mexican Ministry of Health, which is led by Doctor Mercedes Juan.
Some other areas of specialty of the Institute are: otolaryngology, ophthalmology, rehabilitation medicine, sport medicine, audiology, speech and language pathology and others.

Peru & Chile dispute solved
International Court of Justice, The Hague.
The United Nations’ highest court drew a new maritime boundary between Peru and Chile on Monday, awarding Peru parts of the Pacific Ocean but keeping rich coastal fishing grounds in Chilean hands. The line drawn by the International Court of Justice ended decades of debate about how to carve up some 38,000 square kilometers (14,670 square miles) of fish-rich waters off the coasts of the Latin American neighbors. Peru’s fishing industry estimates the annual catch in the region to be worth some US$200 million. Peru wanted a maritime border heading roughly southwest, perpendicular to the point where the two countries’ land border meets the ocean.
Chile insisted the border should extend from the coast parallel to the equator. The court found a compromise by saying a border already existed parallel to the equator extending 80 nautical miles from the coast and then drawing a line southwest to a point where the countries’ 200-mile territorial waters end. A professor of international relations at Lima’s CatholicUniversity, Farid Kahhat, said Peru had won a bit more than half the territory it sought. Chilean government figures put Peruvian investment in Chile at $11 billion last year with Chile investing $13.5 billion in Peru.
Minister Frans Timmermans visits Cuba
By Zelmys María Domínguez Cortina, Ambassador of Cuba.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, His Excellency Mr Frans Timmermans,
performed a successful official visit to Cuba from 5 to January 7, 2014.
During his stay, Mr. Timmermans and his delegation completed an extensive program that
included official talks with the Vice President of the Council of State and Ministers, HE Ricardo
Cabrisas, with HE Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and with HE Rodrigo
Malmierca , Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment. The Dutch Minister also met
with the Historian of Havana, Eusebio Leal Spengler, which is in charge of the restoration of
the historical center of the city, which, some time ago, was declared by UNESCO Patrimony of
One of the most important moments of the visit was the signing of a Memorandum for the
establishment of a mechanism for bilateral consultations between the two Ministers of Foreign
Affairs, which marked another important step in the process of improving the bilateral relations
between the two countries. Other important steps were: the visit of the previous Director of
Political affairs of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs in May 2013, when it was signed the
Declaration of restarting the cooperation between Cuba and the Netherlands; and the signature,
in July 2013, of an agreement for exchanging of prisoners.
Among other highlights of the visit were the opening of a soccer training activities for children
and young Cubans by Feyennord Rotterdam Football Club, and the tour through the facilities of
the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Havana. The Minister saw Sports and
Science, two important fields were Cuba has a lot of success. He also met with representatives
of civil society and the church, among other official and private activities. At the same time of
the visit of the Minister, a big delegation of Dutch businessmen also visited Cuba and met with
Mr. Timmermans and Cuban Counterparts.
Mr. Timmermans was satisfied with the results of his visit and said to the press that there
will be an increasing bilateral cooperation in various fields. He also expressed his interest in
strengthening the political dialogue between the two governments and said it’s time to update
the EU relations with Cuba, based on respectful dialogue.
The visit was made in the context of the pro-tempore Presidency of Cuba of CELAC
(Conference of Latin-American and Caribbean States), and in a moment where inside EU there
are talks about the establishment of a bilateral agreement between Cuba and EU, which will
represent a great success in the normalization of the relations between the two parties.
The visit of Mr. Timmermans to Cuba not only is consider as a very positive step, but also
it is the first time in history that a Dutch Foreign Minister visits the Caribbean nation, and
reaffirmed the commitment of both parties to move forward in strengthening economic, political
and social ties.
Swedish New Year’s Reception
On January 23 the The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and the Ambassador of Sweden Mr. Håkan
Emsgård welcomed the members of the Swedish Chamber and distinguished guests at a New
Year’s Reception at the beautiful Museum Escher in Het Paleis in The Hague. More than 100 guests
representing the Swedish and Dutch Business network in the Netherlands were attending the reception
together with the Swedish Consul of North Netherlands, Mr. Lukas Joel, and Honorary Members of the
Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Clas-Ivar Schultz, Mr. Gerard Perik and Mr. Henk Lokin.
In their New Year’s speeches, Mr. Nils van Dijkman, Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce
and Mr. Ambassador Mr. Håkan Emsgård both emphasized 2014 as year of excellence celebrating the
400 years diplomatic relations between Sweden and the Netherlands. The reception was accompanied
by a performance by the Swedish/Dutch group De Andersons.
SPACES 2014 Together
For more pictures click here:
On 23 January Spaces Den Haag organized a well attended 2914 Together for business partners in a warmth atmosphere. It was a unique opportunity to meet each other and raise member’s glasses to celebrate “2014 Together”. General Manager Lieke Otten, who is almost in maternity leave, received her guests with wine, bubbles & bites inside the atrium. Spaces offers energy and inspiration for entrepreneurs to be successful in what they do best, including opportunities for members of the diplomatic corps, embassies, international organizations and the like.
Spaces is an inspiring environment where ideas develop, businesses build and relationships evolve. Spaces is a creative place where you can work, check your email, and meet with clients. A place you can pause to enjoy a really good cup of coffee or a healthy lunch, and where high-speed secured Internet ensures you can work quickly and safely. Take inspiration from the beautifully designed space while ordering a really good coffee at the café deli, and kindle your entrepreneurial spirit with the enthusiasm of the other workers you will meet and network with at one of Spaces events. Not only is Spaces stimulating, it’s professional. They make your work life easier by providing a wide variety of services, so you can simply focus on getting down to business. The diplomatic corps in The Hague is starting to discover the secrets of Spaces.
For additional information, contact Spaces at: +31 070-2400 800.
President Hollande visits The Netherlands
By Nicole H Pierre.
It was with great enthusiasm that the members of the French community in The Netherlands welcomed the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, at the Scheepvaartmuseum (the National Maritime Museum) in Amsterdam on Monday January 20th 2014. The event culminated the one day visit of the President during which he met with King Willem-Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and other leaders of parliament, as well as a visit to the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, in The Hague.There were more than 600 invited guests in attendance and President Hollande highlighted the importance of the long standing economic ties between the two countries. While he addressed certain pressing political issues, he did so with a humor which is very characteristic of the president. At the end of the evening, which was organized by the French Embassy of The Netherlands and the General Consulate of France to the Netherlands, President Hollande took the time out to interact with, and thank, members of the audience.
The new Rijksmuseum and Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
By Eva Maria Elisabeth Mennes.
The CEO of the architect office Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos of Seville, Mr. Antonio Cruz and director of the project gave an extremely interesting power point presentation of the renovation of the Rijksmuseum for the members of the Spanish community. The event was organized by Cruz y Ortiz and the Spanish Association of Professionals in the Netherlands chaired by Mr. Rogelio Vargas Sánchez, who is also the director of the Spanish Agency of International Trade. Project architect of Cruz y Ortiz, Mrs. Muriel Huisman showed us the building, and at the same time we had the chance to view the beautiful arte facts of the museum. Following a European tender process, the Spanish architects Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos of Seville were chosen by a committee chaired by the chief government architect Jo Coenen to lead the transformation of the Rijksmuseum. Cruz y Ortiz proposed minimal alterations to the building itself.
The firm has recreated the clear layout conceived by the museum’s original architect, Pierre Cuypers, stripping the building of its later transformations to ensure that it is once again a coherent whole. By adding a floor under the existing building the new Rijksmuseum features now an impressive new entrance area. Added were firther a new Asian Pavilion, a new outdoor exhibition space and garden, state-of-the-art facilities including new dining spaces, a shop, a restored library and auditorium; renewed education facilities, a new service entrance, a separate building for the conservation of the collection; and climate-control and security features, which are in line with today’s requirements. The result transforms the 19th century building into a bright and spacious 21st century museum.