Peace Palace Centennial

On 28 August 2013 we commemorate the centenary of the Peace Palace in the presence of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and Prime-Minister Mark Rutte. During this ceremony a book about the centenary of the Peace Palace will be presented and a bronze statue of peace activist Bertha von Suttner, as the first lady of the palace, will be unveiled by 2011 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Leymah Gbowee from Liberia. After 100 years the Peace Palace has become a world-wide icon of Peace and Justice. Many special events are scheduled from 28 August to 21 September, the UN Day of Peace. Through these events we want to emphasize our unwavering commitment to a better world in which conflicts are settled peacefully. On 28 August the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will organise a ministerial conference on peaceful dispute resolution through the administration of justice, arbitration and mediation. This conference is chaired by the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frans Timmermans. On the same day the Hague Institute for Global Justice will host a two-day conference about sustainable peacebuilding in conflict-affected settings. On 9 September a Peace Palace Hearing will take place, bringing together a range of persons who will state their academic, practical and innovative views on the Future of International Justice. The inter-religious dialogue on 11 September, moderated by Professor Ernst Hirsch Ballin will focus on the theme ”Justice and Reconciliation”. On 20 September there will be a conference in the Peace Palace chaired by Professor Jaap de Hoop Scheffer focussing on “Lessons Learned from Peace Treaties”. The theme of peace and justice will be brought to the general public through cultural events. In the Atrium of the City Hall in The Hague exhibitions will be organized about the following subjects: Women and Peace, Souvenirs from The Hague, Architecture of the Peace Palace and Peace Philanthropy. The role of philanthropists supporting initiatives which contribute to a better world will be discussed during a conference about this subject on 2 and 3 September in the Peace Palace, with in the background a fundraising gala in the Ridderzaal on 2 September. Other institutions in The Hague also participate in this anniversary. The Historical Museum of The Hague will host an exhibition: “In light of the Peace Palace”, about The Hague at the beginning of the 20th century, and the GEM and the Alliance Française together organize “Cartooning for Peace”, an exhibition and conference during which Plantu, cartoonist of Le Monde will be present. Students of the Art Schools of The Hague and Rotterdam will exhibit the posters they designed about the theme (Un)Limited in the Spui tram tunnel. In the week of 14-21 September the palace garden will be the venue of a number of important performances: Pink Project (14/9), Trijntje Oosterhuis and the Residentie Orkest (15/9), The Voice of Peace (17/9), Korenavond (18/9) and in conclusion on the international UN Day of Peace (21/9), the Peace One Day concert. This concert will be hosted by British actor Jude Law and organised by non-profit organisation Peace One Day, founded by Jeremy Gilley. The Peace Palace houses the International Court of Justice and the Permanent Court of Arbitration as well as the renowned Peace Palace Library, the Hague Academy of International Law and the Carnegie Foundation. For 100 years the Peace Palace has played an important role in peaceful dispute resolution. In and around the palace every day thousands of people work on a safer and more just world. The celebration of the centenary of the Peace Palace is an initiative of the Carnegie Foundation, the Municipality of The Hague and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For the complete program and more information please refer to the website: jaar Contact: For general information Carnegie Foundation  HYPERLINK “” 070-3024177

National Day of Peru in Wassenaar

By Bonnie Klap His Excellency  Mr. Allan Wagner,  Ambassador of Peru,  hosted a reception at his residence in Wassenaar to celebrate the Independence Day of Peru. This occasion commemorates Peru’s independence from Spanish rule in 1824. A great number of guests came to the Ambassador’s beautiful residence in Wassenaar to congratulate Ambassador Wagner. Because of the glorious summer weather most of them mingled outside in the garden and enjoyed the sunshine, each other’s company and Peru’s national drink: “Pisco Sour!” Pictures, Renske Beetstra. For additional pictures click here:

International Club in Financial Difficulties

Diplomat Magazine receives the information that due to an unfortunate situation of the International Club The Hague and the very fast worsening economic circumstances has forced to put a hold its activities at the Javastraat 26. The income out of the memberships, restaurant and activities could not pay for the housing cost. The financial situation of the International Club deteriorated very fast in a short period and lead to very intensive financial negotiations last weekend with the bank, the municipality, the municipal executives and private investors. All are convinced of the possibilities of the concept but were reticent due to the short term uncertainties; mainly due to the current economic climate. The executor is now deciding on the future of the building and on the future of the company.

The Ambassador of Uganda, H.E. Ms. Mirjam Blaak


H.E. Ms. Mirjam Blaak (63) a lawyer and a career diplomat, was born and raised in the Netherlands and immediately after she obtained her Master of Laws Degree at Utrecht University she was appointed Protection Officer with UNHCR in Nairobi. 

She struck a very strong foundation with some of our most prominent Ugandans living as refugees in Kenya who were at the time actively involved in the NRA/NRM struggle to liberate Uganda. Faced with the dangers of forced repatriation to Uganda she managed to arrange resettlements for all those whose lives were endangered. 

When her UNHCR contract ended, she arranged through her diplomatic contacts for the NRA/NRM to be recognized by western countries as a formidable force. After liberation in January 1986 she was invited to Uganda, where she then established her Legal Consultancy and Tourism companies which she managed successfully.  Subsequently, she got married to the Late Dr. Ronald Batta (Lt.Col) with whom she had two sons.

In 2003 she was appointed Deputy Ambassador to Brussels which resulted in her revoking of her Dutch nationality and she became solely Ugandan. She successfully engaged in promoting Uganda to Dutch and Belgian investors but was also heavily involved in legal matters pertaining to the ICC and ICJ in the Hague. She was one of the main lobbyists for having three Ugandan judges elected to these Courts.

In 2010 she advocated for Uganda to be the host of the ICC Review Conference which was attended by 4000 delegates including UN Secretary-General. In 2012 she was appointed Head of Mission in Brussels accredited to Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the EU. 

H.E. Ms. Mirjam Blaak, Ambassador of Uganda.

She has routinely organized several in- and outgoing trade missions each year which have resulted in sizeable investment and trade. 

Ambassador Mirjam Blaak fully subscribes to President Museveni’s statement that “women are the engines of our society.”

As a matter of fact, when she established her private companies her policy was to employ women only who proved to be highly competent, productive and dedicated to their service.

She is proud to continue to serve the Pearl of Africa and its hospitable people and is eager to bring Uganda to increased economic development and prosperity.

The Hague Sports Camps

A challenging holiday activity week for children between 4 – 14 years old Do you like sports and do you fancy exciting and challenging activities? Do you like to play and sport together with kids of your own age and playing level? Do you prefer to sleep at home at night? Than you should sign-up and participate in one of the exciting “Haagse Sportkampen” during the first and the last week of the Summer Holiday. Week 1:        Monday July 22th up to and inclusive Friday July 26th 2013 Week 2:        Monday August 19th up to and inclusive Friday august 23th 2013 All the participating staff members speak English well. This summer we have several camps to choose from. Children between the ages 4 and 5 years can go to our Kiddocamp (week 1). Older children can choose between: This year we will also have our Dutch Language Module. The beautiful sports complex of The HagueUniversity for sports studies is located on the Laan van Poot 363 next to the dunes. The beach is only a few hundred meters away and provides a unique combination with extensive opportunities for a fantastic week of activities and fun. The high quality sportcomplex offers:
  • 8  tennis courts
  • A large number of gyms, one of them with 3 inside tennis courts
  • A climbing wall
  • Track and field accommodation
  • Various handball courts (inside and outside)
  • Various sports fields with playing opportunities
  • Badminton, table tennis, basketball, soccer, etc.
  • Sufficient clean sanitation, toilet, showers, dressing rooms
On and around this accommodation an exciting and instructive program will be offered regardless of the weather conditions. For more information please visit: (also in English!)

Minister Timmermans meets Ambassadors

MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRANS TIMMERMANS MEETS HEAD OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS IN THE HAGUE. 20 June. Minbuza. Timmermans agreed with GRULAC (Group of Head of diplomatic missions from Latin America-Caribbean States)  to establish a closer contact with Latin American States. He announced an agenda of visits to the region.

H.E. Ms. Teresa Paraskevi Angelatou, Ambassador of Greece

With more than 35 years of honourable experience in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, as of June 19, 2013, Ms Teresa Paraskevi Angelatou has been named Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Permanent Representative to the OPCW.

Her Excellency started her career back in 1984 as Attaché of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Athens (Greece). Ambassador Paraskevi initiated her path in the Foreign Service between 1985 and 1989 when she was named Third Secretary for Bilateral Economic Relations with Eastern European Countries, USSR Desk. Then, she was appointed Second Secretary of the Embassy of Greece in Romania for the years 1989-1991 and, later on, First Secretary of the Greek Consulate in Canada, between 1991 and 1993.

She represented her country throughout the world and she speaks Greek, English, French and Romanian.

In 1993, she came back to Greece after her nomination as Deputy Director of the Diplomatic Cabinet of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

This assignment allowed her to start very high positions and, when this experience came to an end, she was first named Permanent Representative of Greece to the EU in Brussels (Belgium), then Deputy Head of Mission in Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), until she was appointed Director of the Diplomatic Cabinet of the Minister of Development in 2006.

Four years later, in 2010, she was ready to leave her country again to serve as Consul General of Greece in Geneva, Switzerland.

She finally came to the Netherlands after a period as Director of the Directorate of International Energy Issues, Director of Telecommunications and Information Technologies in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Director of Diplomatic Cabinet of the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection.

Her Excellency is married and has a son and a daughter.

Mayor Aartsen launched Diplomat Magazine

By Dr. Eugenio Matos G. Hon. Associate Publisher, currently Chargé d’affaires a.i. at the Dominican Republic Embassy in The Hague.  Carlton Ambassador Hotel,  Wednesday 19 June, 5:45pm. The Hague. In the presence of ambassadors and diplomats, Dutch dignitaries, members of the Dutch press, NGOs, special guests, top managers from BMW Den Haag and Carlton Ambassador Hotel, from recognized Dutch entrepreneurs such as the Simonis family, distinguished executives from Steltman Jewelier, high level executive directors from Marina Rinaldi,  authorities from the Ministry of Foreign affairs such as Mr. Govert Bijl de Vroe, Director of Protocol; Mr. Mayor Jozias van Aartsen performed the official “opening click” of Diplomat Magazine on Wednesday 19 June  to launch this first professional diplomatic magazine in The Netherlands. “The concept of Diplomat Magazine is very welcome for the City of Den Haag. I sincerely congratulates those who had the brilliant idea to develop this publication”, said Mayor Jozias van Aartsen. Ambassador Roberto Calzadilla from Bolivia also expressed his admiration to the authors of Diplomat Magazine during a warmth speech in the presence of  41 ambassadors and 200 distinguished guests. 130619 _ RHP_8592Diplomat Magazine is a novel concept of diplomatic publications in Europe and the World. Our top contributing writers are  Head of Diplomatic missions in The Hague and lectures from renowned  academic centres. This subscription-free monthly-Online magazine is available to Diplomats, Dutch Government officials and the public in general. With a friendly-user design, Diplomat Magazine is unique, the first of its kind in Dutch diplomatic press history. It is not a coincidence that Diplomat Magazine is born in June 2013. We paid special attention to make it happen the year of Investiture of His Majesty, King Willem-Alexander and during the centennial celebrations of the Carnegie Foundation, which we are fully supporting. Full photo-album of this event please click here:

FDI Opportunities in Latin America


By Dr. Eugenio Matos G. Hon. Associate Publisher, currently Chargé d’affaires a.i. Dominican Republic Embassy in The Hague. 


As per several NGOs and International Organisations, including the World Bank, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Latin America will be a major global influence over the next decade. However, from the Netherlands side, unless boosted directly by Latin American government authorities,  foreign Dutch investments in the region might not change dramatically in the next coming years. Commercial diplomacy c’est la mode, c’est la nouvelle diplomatie. It is the novel international relations trend, but only if well combined with a pragmatic Public Diplomacy programme. Panama serves as an example to the international community. Panama is already taking the lead with the recent official visit of  President Martinelli to The Hague. Organizing a neat diplomatic reception at the Kurhaus, the visit to His Majesty, King William-Alexander, plus the business tour of  Martinelli last May was  a productive endevor for  Panamanian Ambassador Jose Teran and his country.

So what are the top ten reasons why Dutch  businessmen and international brands should cast their sights on investments into the Latin American region?

Viola some answers to that question:

1.      Latin America has one of the fastest GDP growth rate in the world. 4.67% growth in 2011, compared to 1.52% growth in the European Union.

2.      Latin America is already a major investment destination from the world’s leading economies. China is Brazil & Chile’s biggest single trading partner with Chinese state banks having lent more than US$75 billion to Latin America since 2005.

3.      Latin America is a key trading partner with the USA, China, Japan, South Korea as well as the European Union.

4.      Latin America has a GDP per capita higher than that of China and Middle East; US$9,593, US$6,768 and US$5,430 respectively.

5.      Argentina has a higher proportionate number of consumers with a disposable income of over US$25,000, making it an attractive market for super luxury brands.

6.      Latin America is the world’s power house for commodities e.g. Chilean & Peruvian copper, Argentine soya, Brazilian & Bolivian iron ore, Venezuelan oil, Colombian coal, Dominican Republic’s gold mines, tourism and call centres, huge opportunities in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico,  Ecuador – the list goes on!

7.      Panama is set to become a trade and cultural hotspot with the US$5.25 billion Panama Canal expansion scheduled for completion in 2014. Panama City is transforming into an energetic metropolis attracting investors, tourists and luxury brands.

8.      Brazil plays host to the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.

9.      Latin America has a highly-skilled and competitive human resources pool e.g. Chile is in first place in the Latin American Talent Index Ranking 2009.

10.  The Latino love for life. Dance (such as Salsa, Bachata… and celebration is set to inspire on a global scale. Their FDI opportunities are linked to cultural issues. There are Latin American states where their popular music and gastronomy, represent a key overseas promotional tool. The author is Commissioner in Holland of the Dominican Republic Department of International Trade-Foreign Investment (CEI-RD). Dr. Matos holds Civil law bachelor degrees in Canada and in the Dominican Republic, with Masters  in Public Administration in England and diplomacy in Malta. He is currently accredited to the International Criminal Court and Alternate Representative to the OPCW in Den Haag.     

Inti Raymi celebration at TropenMuseum


The Embassies of Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and the Tropenmuseum will celebrate the “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” or “Festival of the Sun”, on 22 June 2013 from 10:00 to 18:00 and the “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” ceremony from 11:30 to 12:30 at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam. The “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” or “Festival of the Sun” is a traditional Andean expression of the indigenous people that takes place during the solstice in June in order to celebrate the union of the forces of the Sun and Mother Earth.  The ancient cultures of the Andean region of South America have recognized the Sun as a source of life for over five thousand years. The Sun has been worshiped by farmers since until now it has provided them with good harvests and food for their families. People from the region have devoted exceptional celebrations in the Sun’s honor, especially for its arrival at the winter solstice, which the Andean calendar marks as the beginning of a new year. This event is the first of its kind to take place in the Netherlands organized by seven Embassies jointly with the Tropenmuseum  and will provide the perfect opportunity to share with the Netherlands and its people the richness and variety of the culture, art and music that Latin American countries have to offer. The agenda of the “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” includes a whole day programme with different activities including: an exhibition of handicrafts and products from Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela; a video about the Inti Raymi – Willka Kuti; an Inti Raymi – Willka Kuti ritual ceremony; live music and dance performances by various groups from the countries that will take place in the event. Open the following invitation, free admission, click here to open the invitation: Inti.Raymi.Invitation