Reinventing Public diplomacy in Afghanistan

By Jorrit Kamminga, Senior Visiting Fellow at the Clingendael Institute and PhD candidate at the University of Valencia. With the end of the security transition process and the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan next year, the dominant military paradigm of the past twelve years will be replaced by a civilian-led international effort that continues to support long-term peace, stability and development. Without foreign ‘boots on the ground’ that can win hearts and minds, public diplomacy efforts will again become more important in our relationship with the Afghan people. The challenge, however, is how to reinvent public diplomacy in a new political environment that is fraught with uncertainty and instability. In a first study, the Clingendael Institute recently compared the Dutch and American approaches of public diplomacy in Afghanistan. It found three basic differences. First, within the American model, culture is often used to create a narrative for the American interaction with the Afghan people, ultimately aimed at achieving foreign policy objectives. In the Dutch model, however, it is the other way around: cultural exchanges are primarily valued as positive assets in themselves, and only secondarily as instruments of foreign policy. Second, the American model links public diplomacy efforts abroad openly to the ideological dialogue between the West and Islam. It is therefore also more linked to counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism objectives in Afghanistan. In contrast, the Netherlands has a more independent policy that separates public diplomacy efforts as much as possible from the military conflict. The Dutch focus is especially on cultural diplomacy: supporting both Dutch and Afghan culture, and any linkages between the two. Third, given the larger US military profile abroad, their public diplomacy efforts have become a defensive mechanism, used to counter the negative perceptions of the US that result from its military operations in Afghanistan. In comparison, the Netherlands has had a much lower profile in Iraq and Afghanistan – even while in charge of Uruzgan province between 2006 and 2010 – which meant public diplomacy was never used as an instrument of damage control. The problem with the Dutch approach, however, is that the Netherlands have very few funds available to support public diplomacy initiatives in Afghanistan. What is needed beyond 2014 is an approach that is disconnected from the current military framework. Such an approach departs from the more modest and non-military Dutch model, but includes the broader political and especially financial commitment of the American model. The new narrative of the public diplomacy discourse in Afghanistan should especially be about common values and common interests. It should convince Afghans why it is in their interest to align themselves with the West and to protect our shared interests from potentially malignant influences found in Afghan society. *The discussion paper ‘Public Diplomacy in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 Transition: Lessons from the United States and the Netherlands’ can be found online at:

Migration Benefits From Good Relationship With Diplomatic Representations

By Martin A. Wyss, Chief of Mission IOM the Netherlands The International Organization for Migration, established in 1951, is the global lead agency on migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 151 member states, a further 12 states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) set up an office in the Netherlands in 1991. Voluntary Return IOM assists migrants who wish to depart voluntarily from the Netherlands. Since 2000 IOM the Netherlands supported around 32.000 migrants with their voluntary return to their country of origin or their resettlement to a third country. The assistance offered consists of information and counselling, the procurement of travel documents, the arrangements for safe travel, and the provision of cash and/or in kind reintegration support.  With support of IOM offices in countries of origin, migrants are assisted with individual in kind reintegration activities  in the countries of origin, such as the setting up of income generating activities, or the financing of educational or training programmes or medical support. IOM’s reintegration assistance takes individual choices and possibilities into account. Tailored assistance is provided to vulnerable people: migrants with health concerns, victims of trafficking, (ex-) unaccompanied minors, families or single parents with underage children, and irregular migrants. Close cooperation with Embassies and Consulates is vital for the assistance IOM can offer migrants who wish to depart voluntarily from the Netherlands. Diplomatic representations play an important role in informing migrants on the option of voluntary return and referring them to IOM. Migration & Development IOM also involves diplomatic representations in its Migration & Development (M&D) programme. IOM’s Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN) project aims to contribute to the development and/or reconstruction of a number of selected countries by engaging their overseas migrant communities in improving the capacity of governmental and non-governmental institutions. The TRQN project also offers a limited number of internships and training for selected staff of host institutions and government agencies. Martin Wyss, Chief of Mission: “It is our mission to assist migrants to stay in touch with their countries of origin so that the ties between the Diaspora and the home countries remain intact. IOM the Netherlands is privileged to work closely with Embassies and Consulates as increasingly migration is an issue of importance to all countries and their Ministries of Foreign Affairs”. Currently IOM is facilitating temporary assignments to Afghanistan, Armenia, Cape Verde, Georgia, Ghana, Iraq, Morocco, Somalia and South Sudan. IOM works closely with the diplomatic representations from these countries by discussing the migration and development opportunities and challenges, identifying priority sectors for development in these countries and outreach to the Diaspora community in the Netherlands. Arrivals to the Netherlands and Integration As part of the Dutch resettlement programme, IOM facilitates the resettlement of refugees to the Netherlands. This happens in close cooperation with the IOM offices in countries of departure and partner organizations. IOM the Netherlands coordinates health assessments, pre-departure orientation training and logistics. IOM also provides assistance to family members entitled to reunite with their family in the Netherlands. IOM arranges the travel and serves as contact point for the relatives in the Netherlands. The travel costs to the Netherlands are prepaid by sponsors. Through its new ‘Grassroots Integration through Volunteering Experiences’ (GIVE) project IOM aims to support the integration of migrants through participation with volunteer work. IOM’s cultural orientation training for different groups bound for the Netherlands also paves the way for integration in Dutch society. IOM the Netherlands is involved in the distribution of a TV series in several African countries. The series is part of the international cross-media project Surprising Europe consists of a documentary, a nine part TV series and a website. The Surprising Europe project wants to create awareness about the life of Africans in Europe.

Management of Public Diplomacy and Regional Brands

By José Luis Jácome,  Counsellor (Consular Affairs), Embassy of Ecuador in The Hague. The information revolution and the notion that an information society influences all spheres of human life; the current public and private organizational structures cannot abstract themselves from this dynamic where diplomatic management should, now more than ever, fulfill its labors through communicational strategies.  In this framework, the communicational strategy of Public Diplomacy requires the use of concrete instruments and techniques. Communication and Public Diplomacy are forced to co-exist and find spaces where ideals of universal citizenship, a culture of peace and virtual portals where civilizations meet are erected. The development of technological solutions for the global diffusion of un-printed news has also allowed for the strengthening of social networks that increasingly consolidate the notion of a global village, interconnected in real time.  In this new world, efficient diplomatic management should access scientific, academic, cultural and social spaces traditionally reserved for civil society, with the objective of contributing to the interrelations of civilizations and increasing the development of intercultural spaces that contribute to a culture of peace, in accordance with the UNESCO Resolution No. 53/243, this being, in my opinion, the main goal of Public Diplomacy. The culture of peace considers, among other aspects, the protection of the weakest members of society, the free circulation of information and universal access to this information.  It also considers the defense of universal values of respect for human dignity and the struggle against all forms of social discrimination, in general, and respect for the universal conquests for the rights and dignity of a human being.  These are the pillars upon which, and objective with which, Regional Brands  for the organization of cultural, sporting, academic, scientific and social events should be designed, as a natural expression of the modern diplomacy that transcends national management and seeks to materialize the universal paradigms consecrated in the Charter of the United Nations. The management of Public Diplomacy and Regional Brands is viable, for example, through the joint organization of cultural events through which different societies can share their values and artistic heritage.  This goal could materialize through the construction of a cultural agenda for 2014, with the co-participation by all regional groups, civil society and local authorities. (Original version in Spanish translated to English by Hailey Troock). The author holds a Ph.D in jurisprudence at  Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador.

International Criminal Justice Day

By Bonnie Klap. The Hague Institute of Global Justice was the venue for the Celebration of International Criminal Justice Day. The Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court came into effect in July,  2002 and the ICC opened its doors in The Hague at that time, a significant  moment for international justice. A great number of dignitaries were present to celebrate this historic event, among them Her Excellency Navanethem Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, who gave an excellent lecture, highlighting the achievements and challenges of the ICC. She specifically emphasized the tremendous workload of the ICC and mentioned the 18 cases in 9 situations as an example here of. Fortunately she was also able to give a few examples of ICC’s successes, such as the fact that victims now also have a voice in the process. “We are morally obliged to work toward a more just society and a culture of accountability,” according to High Commissioner Pillay. His Excellency Judge Sang-Hyun Song, President of the International Criminal Court, Her Excellency Ambassador Tiina Intelmann, President of the Assembly Of States Parties to the International Court and Her Excellency Vesela Mrden Korac, Ambassador of Croatia and Facilitator of the The Hague Working Group on Strategic Planning were also present,  as well as many members of the Diplomat Corps and the ICC. After High Commissioner Pillay’s interesting lecture Dr. Eugenio Matos, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Dominican Republic and a gifted violin player, and  composer-pianist Vladan Kulisic treated the audience to a wonderful musical performance, playing music from the movie Schindler’s List and Csárdás, among others. The President of the ICC, His Excellency Judge Song, is a music lover and it was by his special invitation that Dr. Matos  performed at this event to promote peace and security. Once again this  underscores the fact that the relationship between the fine arts and diplomacy has remained unchanged for centuries.

Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of WMD

Logo OPCW Logo IAEA By Tanya Mehra, ASSER Institute. From 2 – 6 September 2013, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut together with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will organise the Fourth Annual Summer Programme on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in a Changing World. There is an increasing demand for professionals in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation of WMDs. The challenges posed to international security by nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are as urgent today as during the Cold War. In the first decade of the 21st Century there is a growing concern for terrorist attacks with WMDs and countries in the Middle East and other turbulent regions continue to develop WMD programmes. In August 2010, the T.M.C Asser Instituut and the OPCW launched the first Summer Programme on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of WMDs.  In its first three years, the Summer Programme has already established itself as a popular and highly regarded educational resource for advanced graduate students and young to mid-level professional with interests in WMD diplomacy and treaty implementation. One of the aims of the programme is to offer an integrated approach to weapons of mass destruction. The programme will address the non-proliferation and disarmament efforts taken respectively with chemical, nuclear and biological weapons; the more crosscutting aspects will be discussed in high-level panels. The all-encompassing programme seeks to strike a balance between the legal, scientific, diplomatic and military issues relating to the broad spectrum of WMD in our contemporary world. It links the disarmament and non-proliferation efforts and at the same time distinguishes the challenges each individual category of WMDs currently faces. The programme is supported by all the leading treaty-based organizations in the field of WMDs, which makes this programme quite unique. The following institutions contribute to the programme: •    Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) •    Biological Weapons Convention – Implementation Support Unit (BWC-ISU) •    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) •    United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) Fellows Program This year’s speakers include, amongst others:  Olli Heinonen, Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs/Harvard University, Jean du Preez, Chief of External Relations and International Cooperation/CTBTO, Dr. Paul F. Walker, International Program Director of the Environmental Security and Sustainability Program/Green Cross International, Mr. Piet de Klerk, Sherpa of the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit, and H.E. Mr Ahmet Üzümcü, Director-General of the OPCW. This year the Summer Programme will include the following topics:  the future of the OPCW beyond the Third Review Conference, the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit, the UN mission to investigate alleged uses of chemical weapons in Syria, current challenges of the Biological Weapons Conventions, and many others. To complement the classroom content of the Summer Programme, one day will be devoted to field trips to see how WMD treaties are applied in practice:  to the OPCW’s inspection equipment store and laboratory followed by a visit to an inspectable chemical industry plant site; to a nuclear research reactor in Delft, and to TNO, a Dutch defence research organisation, for a live sampling-and-analysis exercise in the context of an investigation of alleged uses of WMD. The field visits will offer participants direct experience in CBRN preparedness and in the way international treaties on WMDs are implemented at the national level. The Summer Programme will provide unique insight into the legal framework of each sub-category of weapons, sound understanding of the distinct characteristics of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and a solid grounding in WMD treaty implementation. “Being passionate about this topic for almost 10 years and having recently graduated, it was a unique opportunity to extend my knowledge on WMD issues, meet great people and discuss with international experts. According to me the programme was absolutely well organized and reached all my expectations and even more. Without any doubts, what I have learned and the contacts that I have made will decidedly determine my future professional life which will be, I hope, in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation of WMD.” Participant in the 2012 Summer Programme on ‘Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in a Changing World’, S.F., Belgium For more information please contact: Tanya Mehra, Education Manager T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Online learning: A practical option for diplomats

                            Many people view online learning as a second choice, suitable only when face-to-face training is not possible. However, many ministries of foreign affairs are making strategic and intelligent use of online learning for diplomatic training: Canada, USA, the UK, and Mexico are among the larger ones, but the number also includes smaller states like Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago. For some training needs, online learning may be the best option, offering real advantages. Overcomes geographical challenges: Online learning allows diplomats geographically dispersed at missions all over the world, and in different time zones, to engage in learning, and to do so together with colleagues in different locations. In addition, diplomatic training academies normally have a limited resident faculty; senior officials and other experts can facilitate teaching and training activities via online learning regardless of their location, making better use of available expertise. Optimises available time: The increasing pace of diplomatic work means reduced time for training, and makes it necessary to combine work and learning. Online learning supports this kind of flexibility, allowing diplomats to study whenever and wherever is most convenient for them, without taking time off work. Capitalises on best learning methodologies: Online learning offers flexibility in selecting the most effective methodology for the type of learning objective. Technical matters, for example, can be covered through drill-type exercises (supported by multimedia). At the other end of the scale, where the learning objectives include analysis and application of knowledge (for example, learning how to plan and create a public diplomacy strategy), discussion, interactive and collaborative learning, and simulations support those objectives. Optimises use of resources: Online learning can be cost-effective. Bringing together staff members spread around the world for classroom training can be very expensive, both in terms of travel costs, and the loss of productivity due to time off work. Electronic learning materials can also be quickly shared with learners all around the world (few or many), and easily updated to reflect latest developments. Benefits the environment: By reducing the need for learners located in different places to travel in order to learn together, online learning reduces CO2 output. Views from diplomats At DiploFoundation (a training organisation which has offered online courses on diplomacy for the last 15 years) we recently interviewed alumni members about their experiences studying online, asking what were the key benefits for them. Here are a few excerpts: Ms Setaita Tupua Kalou from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Fiji enrolled in the online Master in Contemporary Diplomacy offered by Diplo and the University of Malta to meet her needs in terms of distance and flexible learning, content, availability to international students, and affordability. The online programme exceeded her expectations: I did not expect the coverage of some issues to have so much depth. The substantive course content at DiploFoundation was demystified on a number of levels by the lecturers so it was relatively easier for students to understand, yet at the same time, it pushed our traditional boundaries to expand our body of knowledge beyond our comfort zones. Read the full interview. Mr Kevon Swift, business analyst at the Ministry of Science and Technology of Trinidad and Tobago, choose the new Internet Governance specialization within Diplo’s online Master in Contemporary Diplomacy. This option offered the ideal frame for what I would consider to be my disparate pieces of knowledge about the Internet. The wide variety of courses to choose from for the online learning sessions meant that I could tailor the programme to advance my Internet studies while honing my diplomatic skills to match. We asked Kevon if he missed the face-to-face interaction of a traditional classroom-based programme. He responded: The online learning sessions are tremendously interactive, so much so that the one-hour chat sessions seem to be too short at times. While the flexibility offered by the programme was one of the deciding factors for Kevon in choosing to join, he says: The most valuable aspect of the programme has been the sharing and networking opportunities, both at the workshop and during online sessions. Participants come from all around the world and with such a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences that the learning process becomes certainly enriched at the end of the day. Read the full interview. — DiploFoundation is a non-profit organisation based in Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works with a number of ministries of foreign affairs, providing online training to supplement their in-house training programmes. Diplo also offers a Master in Contemporary Diplomacy in collaboration with the University of Malta. For more information about DiploFoundation please see or write to

President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice

By Roy Lie A Tjam Scores of international organisations have their headquarters in The Hague, a city which has long been an international symbol of  peace and justice. The city’s commitment to these values is more than a symbol, however, it is a mission.  With this in mind, The Hague now hosts a home-grown international institute which was founded in 2011 by the city’s mayor and a team of academic and policy-focused institutions. This organisation is The Hague Institute for Global Justice. The objective of The Hague Institute is to address major global justice issues and, by means of projects, to provide effective solutions with the aim of achieving lasting peace.   The Institute uniquely focuses on the issues at the intersection of peace, security and justice, guided by the principle that security and development cannot be attained without respect for international law and global justice. The President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice Dr Abiodun Williams has been the President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice since January 2013. In his welcome address, Mayor Jozias van Aartsen, chair of the Institute’s board, referred to Dr Williams as a man with great experience, both in the field of international law and at the headquarters of the United Nations, and added that Dr Williams will be an inspiring leader for the young institute. Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State and chair of the Institute’s advisory council stated: ‘I have known Dr Williams for more than 25 years as a valued colleague and a friend. I am delighted at this new appointment. He is the ideal choice for this position and will be a tremendous asset to The Hague Institute for Global Justice. Dr Williams is brilliant, talented and an inspiring leader.’ Dr Abiodun Williams is an assiduous conflict prevention expert, having previously served as a peacekeeper in the role of Special Assistant to various Special Representatives of the Secretary-General in Macedonia, Haiti and Bosnia-Herzegovina.  As the Senior Vice President of the Center for Conflict Management at the United States Institute for Peace, he also oversaw that organization’s work in major conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.. On his appointment, Dr Williams said: ‘It is an honour to lead The Hague Institute for Global Justice which has great potential to become an internationally acclaimed think-tank, and a vital force in the challenging but essential task of promoting global peace and justice. I look forward to working with the staff, the Board and the Advisory Council to fulfil the Institute’s promise.’ Dr Williams’ tenure as Director of Strategic Planning in the Executive Office of the UN Secretaries-General, Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-Moon, is a particular highlight of his career. Dr Williams considers the UN to be an indispensable instrument and forum to deal properly with permutations and challenges across the world. One country which provides a tangible example of what the UN is capable of achieving in this arena is Macedonia.  As a result of the timely deployment of a UN preventive mission in the mid-1990s – in which Dr Williams served – the risk of conflict in Macedonia was forestalled, even as the country’s neighbours were blighted by violence. Dr Abiodun Williams, the man Dr Williams, as well as being a peacemaker and educator, loves art, is a smartly-dressed and agreeable man; a global citizen. Peacemaker – his mission to Macedonia was an important one and inspired his belief in the efficacy of preventive action. Global citizen – uses his world knowledge to inform efforts to avert conflicts.   His internationalism has its roots in his secondary education at the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, one of 13 United World Colleges. Educator – he was a team teacher in foreign policy with Madeleine Albright at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in the United States. He  often delivers speeches including, recently, at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, the University of Leiden and at the Haagse Hogeschool. Preventing conflicts is Dr Williams’s passion and his inspiring publication, The Brilliant Art of Peace, comes highly recommended. Dr Williams holds an M.A. (Hons) from Edinburgh University and an M.A.L.D. and Ph.D. in International Relations from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, as well as the Dr Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award from Tufts University.

Beautiful Tunisia

By Ms Zeineb Zouaoui, economic attaché, Embassy of the Republic of  Tunisia in The Hague.
Tunisia a North-African country located in the Mediterranean Sea, is one of the most popular holiday destinations for Dutch tourists. It is less than a two hours flight from Europe.
Tunisia is also well known for its golden beaches and impressive desert sceneries.
One of the beautiful white sandy beaches in the Mediterranean sea spreading along its 1 300 kilometers coasts.
It has also a rich heritage with a great diversity of ruin sites dating back to Phoenician and Roman Carthage, Byzantine era, Vandals, Medinas and also Islamic architecture. Tunisia is proud of  three thousand years of history.
Over the centuries, the country – which was once the exclusive home of the Berbers – has hosted the world’s greatest powers through its history, such as the Phoenicians, the Romans and the Vandals, the  Byzantines, the Arabs, the Ottomans and the French.
Eight sites are under Unesco World Heritage : Carthage site, The Medina of Tunis, The Amphitheater of El Jem, the Punic town of Kerkouane, The Medina of Sousse, Kairouan, Dougga and Ichkeul National Park.
Tunisia has a variety of hotels ranging from Dars (Boutique hotels properties), farmhouses, to five star hotels, nearly 50 of them offer Thalassotherapy centers (Spa & Wellness).
Tunisia is ranked as the second world destination in Thalassotherapy (Wellness). It offers a wide range of possibilities of wellness treatments.
Thalasso comes from the Greek word thalassa, which means sea, and refers to a treatment with seawater. The therapy improves blood circulation and has a very positive effect on the body and mind. Other sea elements that can be used in Thalasso therapy are alga, mud and sand.
It is also a renowned world-class golfing destination, well integrated to the international circuit and much appreciated by professionals as well as amateurs alike.
There are eleven different golf courses with ideal weather conditions throughout the year.
The South is especially best known by its beautiful and unique desert landscape.Experience the Sahara on the back of a camel, for an unforgettable Arabian adventure. Over shifting sands and endless dunes enjoy sand-yachting, 4×4 adventures, camel treks or horse riding, travelling through the canyons with  seductive sunset watching through mystifying backdrop, or simply enjoy the spas or playing golf in the heart of the Sahara.
The Tunisian cuisine is influenced by the influx of different peoples. It is mainly a mix of Mediterranean dishes. Olive oil and herbs are frequently used, and Tunisian wines are known to have a tradition dating back to the Roman era together with a tradition of quality using  the best production techniques and modern winemaking. Couscous is the national dish and is served with vegetables, lamb or fish.
Discover all these treasures, experience Tunisia!

Clingendael: a national institute and a global academy

By Barend ter Haar Thirty years ago, four different institutes in the field of international relations merged to form a new institute: Clingendael. The scope of Clingendael, both a think-tank and a diplomatic academy, working both for the Dutch and the international market, has remained very broad ever since. Clingendael ’s diplomatic academy provides training for incoming Dutch diplomats, the so-called ‘Klasje’, and for diplomats from all over the world, including the Middle East, North Africa, South-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Iraq and Pakistan. The Clingendael Academy maintains special cooperation and partnership agreements with Indonesia and South Africa, spanning multiple generations of diplomats. The Academy furthermore provides training for officers of other ministries, personnel of the armed forces and employees of NGO’s and the private sector. Most of Clingendael ’s research fellows also work both for a Dutch and for an international audience.  On the national scene, Clingendael publishes the Strategic Monitor and actively stimulates a well-informed debate about Dutch foreign policy, by organising debates, providing comments to the Dutch media and by publishing brief comments. Special emphasis is given to the national debate about the EU, inter alia by means of the website: On the European and international scene, the focus of Clingendael ´s research is mainly directed at energy, security, Europe, diplomacy, Asia and global governance. The results of this research can be found on The special interest of Clingendael in diplomacy and international negotiations is illustrated by its central role in publishing The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and in the Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) network. Among the subjects on Clingendael ‘s current agenda are the coming Nuclear Security Summit, the future of diplomacy and the reorganisation of the Dutch armed forces. Special mention deserve the Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP), a separate entity which conducts research on the international energy markets, and the Conflict Research Unit (CRU) that assists with its research the engagement of governments and NGO’s in fragile and conflict situations. The Institute furthermore publishes the only Dutch language magazine on international relations, the Internationale Spectator and houses the secretariat of the Dutch Association for International Affairs (NGIZ). Clingendael receives a subsidy from the Netherlands government, but it is academically independent. Located in an attractive park, between a Japanese garden and a classic Dutch garden, it is the ideal location for conferences and training sessions.

Going soft?

By Richard T. Griffiths (Associate Editor Diplomat Magazine and Professor International  Studies, LeidenUniversity). In 1990 the American political economist Joseph Nye coined the term ‘soft power’ to describe the ability of a state to attain its goals through diplomacy and persuasion rather than coercion or bribery. The European political scientists have enthusiastically embraced this concept to analyse European foreign policy and the European Union, itself, has persistently employed the concept  to describe and legitimise its approach to the rest of  the World. For the European Union (as an institution and as a collection of separate states) the operationalization of this concept has rested on several supports and we will deal with three of them:           The preference for dialogue and diplomacy over force,           The ‘ownership’ of a successful integration model which inspires other nations,           The propagation of a set of values that promoted democracy and that eschews discrimination and the abuse of human rights, Over the past several months, I have spoken in three conferences dedicated to  Europe – one in Macao and in Beijing, from where I am writing this contribution. Looking at Europe, and hearing others speaking of Europe, from a distance of thousands of kilometres lends a different perspective from that gathered from reading the (academic) literature. The decision by the EU to prefer for dialogue over force would indeed be respected in Asia had it been made by choice. However, the experience of the intervention in Libya and non-intervention in Syria has made manifest two things. First, that  the EU is incapable of making a prompt and united response to crises on its doorstep and that when some countries did intervene militarily, as in the case of Libya, they were incapable of doing so without US strategic and logistical support. In fact the critical dependence on the United States calls into question the ability of  the EU to mount an independent military campaign, even if it chose to do so. The integration model, whereby countries gradually together moved through trade integration to economic  and monetary union, while pooling ever more areas of their sovereignty, has lost much of its gloss sincet the EU has lain in the grips of its currency crisis. The failure to take prompt and effective measures to solve the initial crisis and the deep divisions over longer-term policy have undermined the idea that Europeans controlled their own destiny. Meanwhile the persistence of the crisis and failure of economic recovery has led many to question Europe’s  future position in a dynamic world economy. These two factors have undeniably diminished Europe’s standing in Asia and reduced its moral authority. However, the moral high-ground claimed by Europe always looked higher in Europe that it did in Asia. Europeans may have forgiven themselves their imperial  pasts, and many Asians have forgiven them too, but  that does not mean that they have forgotten. It does not play well in Asia that those who preach democracy and human rights to foreign governments had for centuries blatantly infringed them themselves.   Since Europe’s problems are coinciding with the growing self-confidence in the region, the ‘soft power’ model is starting to lose some of its shine.